Programs that treat only the body and soul, but not the spirit, will ultimately fail. Only spiritual power can overcome physical and psychological bondage, whether it is drug addiction, a dysfunctional family, or a life of crime. Without God’s power in someone’s life, rarely does significant change occur. With God’s power first, and through His guidance, anyone can overcome his or her problems and addictions to lead a life of deliverance with Him.
We demonstrate God’s love for every person, no matter how worthless he may seem to be. Every single one of us has done things in our lives which are less than laudable. While some people’s faults may be more readily apparent, God loves each of us. God’s love was pre-eminently expressed through the death and resurrection of His Son for sinful mankind. Any person who accepts, by faith, Jesus’ substitutionary death also identifies with His resurrection, and is empowered to follow a new way of life.
Your Support Changes Lives
Change is possible, but problems that take years to develop do not get resolved overnight. Substance abuse treatment involves more than flushing out the poison from body tissues-there are emotional and social pressures to deal with as well. Often the mental escape offered by reliance on the chemicals is much more potent even than the physical craving and dependence. Chronic unemployment is caused by more than just a lack of training or opportunity; there are character flaws of laziness and unreliability also. People who have spent their entire lives in a dysfunctional environment cannot apply new principles all at once.
Our program lasts one year. The first six months focus on critical issues like drug withdrawal and accepting personal responsibility for one’s circumstances. The last six months are spent in work training, where participants learn essential skills like accepting authority and getting along with other people, as well as specific job skills.
The Bible is our guide at Good Samaritan Ministries. All program participants spend part of each day studying, with an emphasis on Bible reading. Each Discipleship Program participant is required to complete a number of informational study booklets to complete the phase he is in. These booklets are on Biblical issues and growth teachings, such as: “Saved, Now What?”, “Assurance of Salvation,” “The Bible,” “Prayer,” and many others. After entering Phase II of the program, college-level courses are offered, and many program participants are enrolled.
Each day starts with morning devotions and ends with a sermon. Each week, Bible verses are memorized to earn a small love gift for spending cash. The entire emphasis of the program, from church attendance to Bible study, is focused on helping a man or woman, on our program, totally change attitudes and focus toward life, with God’s help.
During the day, Program residents are sent out to work at job sites, just as they will do once they finish the program. Many of them go to work in the different facets of the ministry-at the thrift store, commercial lawn care crew, donation pick-up, food services, janitorial services, or maintenance. Some of them go out to one of many out-placement jobs. For each of the jobs here at the ministry, the men work under seasoned staff members, ready and able to counsel them as needed.
One person can rarely change his whole way of life by himself; he needs a support system of family and friends. Most men make new friends at the mission and at church. Many fathers begin supporting their children for the first time in years and discover a bottomless source of motivation and encouragement. Work brings new values and habits, as well as, financial independence. Family ties are mended, nurturing the love without which no life is worth living. Many men renew marriage vows or find the confidence to commit to a wife.
Over the years, thousands of men, women, and children have been directly impacted by having someone close to them (or perhaps themselves) go through the Discipleship Program here at Good Samaritan. Each person impacted through God’s Word to turn his life around affects others around them. More people serving God, more people living upstanding lives, more people obeying the law, and more people growing up under proper examples-these are the changes that occur over time, by the power of God!